In the distant past, the Branch held an annual show that was only open to Branch members. Sadly, over time support diminished so the annual show fell into disuse. After a period of more than a decade an effort was made to resurrect it in 2010. The decision was taken to limit the schedule to 22 classes (11 cactus and 11 succulent). Following on from the success of the 2010 show a further show was held in 2011, based on the same formula. Having trialed the concept of a mini-show for two years the event has become a firm fixture in recent years. The show continues to be designated as a closed show, being restricted to members of the Branch but this will be kept under review in future years.
An added attraction for members is provided by a post judging discussion about the plants in the show, The judge is encouraged to lead the discussion.
All shows take place in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, allowing members to enjoy the plants on display and to have a chat.
Branch Show Schedule 2010
Branch Show Schedule 2011
Branch Show Schedule 2012
Branch Show Schedule 2013
Branch Show Schedule 2014
Branch Show Schedule 2015
Branch Show Schedule 2016
Mini Show Schedule 2014