The transfer of the members of the Luton branch, following its closure, has been a happy success.
Understandably some of their members living at considerable distance from our venue have not managed to come to our events. But there is a warm welcome awaiting should they feel able to make the journey.
Visitors to our branch meetings are assured of a warm welcome. We are a group of enthusiastic and friendly people who are happy to share their experiences and knowledge of cactus and succulent plant growing.
We meet on the afternoon of the second Saturday every month, except April and our meetings start at 3pm. People generally arrive from around 2.30pm onwards and take the opportunity to talk to other members, buy items from the sales table and stage plants in the table show.
There is usually a visiting speaker who will give a talk accompanied by slides and/or plants. Talks break about half way through for tea, biscuits or cakes and further opportunities to view the table show and buy plants and sundries.